Programme - Global Summit for Precision Psychiatry

The Global Summit for Precision Psychiatry (Brussels, 15-17 May 2024) is a three day conference bringing together experts from around the world to discuss the latest advancements in precision psychiatry. The overall aim of this event is to discuss goals, successes, and challenges of Precision Psychiatry with all stakeholders : researchers, caregivers, patient and caregiver associations, regulatory and funding agencies, journalists, policy & decision makers, international associations and industry.
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6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 

  • Goals, Successes & Challenges in Precision Psychiatry, Marion Leboyer, FR
  • Wrap-up of the ECNP New Frontiers meeting on Precision Psychiatry, Martien Kas, NL
  • Lessons from the past, Andy Miller, USA


9:00 am - 9:15 am 

Chair, Marion Leboyer, UPEC, Fondation FondaMental & PEPR PROPSY, FR & Brenda Pennix, Amsterdam UMC, NL.

9:15 am - 10:00 am 

Lessons learned in precision medicine from neurology and oncology

  • Brain imaging and biomarkers as crucial tools for a future with precision medicine in Alzheimer’s disease, Wiesje van der Flier, NL
  • The example of precision immuno-microbio-oncology, Laurence Zitvogel, FR

10:30 am - 12:30 pm 

Precision psychiatry: Successes

  • Inflammation, Carmine Pariante, UK
  • Immuno-metabolism, Brenda Penninx, NL
  • Imaging in brain stimulation, Charles Laidi, FR
  • A mechanism-based strategy in Autism, Lynn Durham, CH

Q&A 30 min and Wrap-up

2:00 pm - 2:10 pm 

Chairs, Carinne Brouillon, Boehringer Ingelheim, DE, Andy Miller, Emory University, USA

2:10 pm - 3:30 pm

Enrichment and stratification tools in Precision Psychiatry

  • Biomarker consortium: tool towards stratification in Psychiatry, Alessio Travaglia, US
  • Proteomics: tools for Precision Psychiatry, Anne-Li Lind, SE
  • Anhedonia as an outcome measure, Wayne Drevets, USA

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm 

Tools Towards Precision Psychiatry

  • Establishing targets and risk, Elisabeth Binder, DE
  • AI for Health: Challenges & Solutions, Emmanuel Bacry, FR
  • Using machine learning to extract new transdiagnostic categories, Paris Lalousis, UK
  • Digital tools, Inez Myin-Germys, BE

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm 

Concluding remarks, Andrzej Rys, Principal Scientific Adviser DG SANTE, European Commission, BE


10:00 am - 10:15 am 

Chairs, Vikas Mohan Sharma, Fortrea, DE, Pawel Swieboda, BE, NeuroCentury, BE

10:15 am - 11:30 am

Strategies for Drug development

  • The levers needed to accelerate innovative drug discovery and progress through development,               Hugh Marston, DE
  • Strategies to design more precise clinical development programmes (hopefully) shorten time to market? Vikas Mohan Sharma, DE
  • Real world data towards drug development in Psychiatry, Nawal Roy, USA
  • Multimodal biomarkers strategies in psychiatry, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, DE

11:50 am - 12:10 pm 

Dimensional approach for psychiatric disorders, implications in clinical trials and regulatory setting, Florence Butlen-Ducuing, European Medicines Agency

12:10 pm - 1:10 pm

Vision from stakeholders

  • Patients’ perspectives on Precision Psychiatry, Peter Keri, GAMIAN, HU
  • The research domain criteria (RDoC) project as framework for Precision Psychiatry, Bruce Cuthbert, NIMH, USA
  • Future of the DSM towards Precision Psychiatry, Nitin Gogtay, APA, USA

1:10 pm - 1:30 pm

Chairs, Marion Leboyer, Brenda Pennix, Martien Kas, Andy Miller : Call to actions


2:30 pm - 6:30 pm 

  • Scientific papers PI: Andy Miller, USA
  • Policy Brief PI: Véronique Briquet-Laugier,FR


► Download the program of the International Summit on Precision Medicine in Psychiatry 

Global summit for Precision Psychiatry 2024

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