Here are a few key figures about world mental health from a 2022 report published by the World Health Organisation :
Did you know that 20 to 25% of women will experience depression during their lives? Shockingly, many refrain from seeking help due to the constraints of gender stereotypes and societal pressures. This is a critical issue that was addressed by FondaMental Fondation’s CEO, Pr. Marion Leboyer, at 2023’s Women’s Forum in Paris. Her involvement shed light on the unique challenges women face in seeking mental health support.
Beyond socio-economic factors, women encounter distinct hurdles that demand tailored assistance. However, your contribution to the FondaMental Foundation can make a profound impact. Your donation supports groundbreaking research and innovative solutions, aiming to ensure that every woman receives the specialized support necessary to not just cope but to thrive.

Source : World mental health report
Mental health is critically important to everyone, everywhere. All over the world, mental health needs are high but responses are insufficient and inadequate. This “World Mental Health Report” is designed to inspire and inform better mental health for all. Drawing on the latest evidence available, showcasing examples of good practice from around the world, and voicing people’s lived experience, it highlights why and where change is most needed and how it can best be achieved. It calls on all stakeholders to work together to deepen the value and commitment given to mental health, reshape the environments that influence mental health, and strengthen the systems that care for mental health.
Read the report